Reflections on Our First 10 Years
As we look forward to the concert celebrating our 10th Anniversary as the Queensland Irish Choir, I’ve been reflecting on our journey when the Tara Singers and Celtic Connection merged.
Ten years ago we faced several problems. Both previous choirs were too few in number to sing a full SATB repertoire. The number of choristers was slowly declining. Fortunately, the then – and still - Musical Director David O’Keefe and Accompanist Tim Li oversaw both choirs and together we achieved a successful Queensland Irish Choir. Mind you there were still adjustments to be made. Less unison singing; having to harmonise when you wanted to sing the melody; learning new and sometimes more difficult arrangements.
Gradually we improved. The election of the first President who had not been part of the “old” choirs’ management helped to bring a sense of unity. Under David and Tim’s guidance our musicality grew, and our performances began to aim higher. I’ll never forget the concert when we nailed the beautiful “Fields of Gold”.
We began to attract new members. We tried new things like the concert in the City Hall with the Korean Symphony Orchestra. The Irish Government gave us financial support in recognition of our contribution to the maintenance of Irish culture. We survived through the difficult years of Covid. We were the Choir invited to perform at the 125th Anniversary of the QIA.
So here we are celebrating our achievements over ten years and eagerly anticipating the next ten.
Richard Healy, QIC Secretary